From Daniel J. Routt to Mrs. Chinece Routt

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Lexington Mo[.] Aug the 12—62 Dear wife

This Day is one great excitement in Camp[.] we received a dispatch yesterday evening from independance calling on Col[.] [Husten?] for reinforcements for that place[,] Stating that our men that are Stationed were there attacted [attacked] By an overwhelming force of rebels[.] The reinforcement was Sent but alas it was to late[,] the Rebels being 1500 strong while our men Numbered less than 400[,] after 3 hours Desperate fighting had to Surender[.] our boys that went to relave only about 200 men got in a few miles of this and hearing that the fight was over hured back to this place[.] we are looking every hour to be attacted [attacked] by them at this place[,] but we have been reinforced and think that we will be able to whip them[.] our colonel sais that he is Determined not to Surrender[,] that he will Burn the place first[.] we are all well and feel like fighting[.] We hope that these lines may find you all well[.] enclosed you will find the lock of hair that you requested[,] and in case that never see me again you will have it to remember me as long as you live[.] I sent you ten dollars some days ago but have not got an answer from it yet[.] since that time have sent you my picture. You will please let me know immediately whether you have got the money or not and also my likeness[.]

I will now come to a close Dear[,] By requesting you to Sufer no uneasiness about me[.] if we have a fight and I do not get killed I will write to you immediately and let you know the particulars of it[.] You will Remember me in your Prays[.] Tell Tempy that her pa is glad that She has not forgotten him[.] Tell Luther that his pa said that he must be a good boy and that his pa loves him and thinks about him continually[.] Dear[,] this request I have to make and then I am done[.] You must be sure to raise the children up right[,] raise them to be truthfull and have them to be obedient to you and you will have no truble with them[.]

Your loveing husband Daniel J. Routt
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