From Sarah A. Fitch to My Dear Mother

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Lawrence, Apr. 24th [ ] My Dear Mother

George starts for the East tomorrow, & will come to see you. I must prepare a little note to send you. I suppose you have received the letter I wrote a little while ago. You must ask George all the questions you can think about us. We have all been very well with the exception of colds. Charlie has had the worst & last night had a severe attack of croup – which occasioned much alarm & anxiety, but today he is much better & I hope now he will recover without further trouble.

If you have any thing, as you mentioned in one of your letters, to send us George will willingly bring it. There is one thing I must ask you for that I intended to get when I came away but forgot, that was a pattern for pants, so I can make E. some this summer. If it will not be too much trouble.

How is your health now? & Elijah and all of you? I believe in my letter I told you E. was expecting to start for St. Louis in a day or two. The news of the war that was received decided him to defer it for a time & now it is uncertain when he will go. The news makes business very dull. I wonder when it is all to end. Has Elijah enlisted? We see from the papers that the whole North is alive with excitement.

I feel as tho I could fight when I read of the outrageous conduct of the South. The men here are forming companies for home protection & we hope we shall not have much trouble even if our Missourian neighbors do persist in “seceding.” They had better let Kansas alone I think or they will get into trouble. I must close in haste for I have a number of things yet to do for G. and must hurry.

Yours as ever S.A. Fitch