From James Griffing to Cuttie

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Lincoln Oct. Sat. 30th 1864 My Dear Cuttie,

You will be glad to hear that your husband is at home again safe and sound. My last letter was written to you whilst we were in the trenches at Kansas City amidst the greatest confusion and excitement, in sight of the smoke of a most tremendous battle and if it reached you, I want you to be sure and keep it, that I may know what I wrote, when I may see you again. The night before it was written, I thought it not improbable that I might never see you again, and as my place in the ranks was next to Bro. Hodgins of Centralia, we had agreed with each other, as we lay [] upon our arms in the city of Wyandott, if we should be spared to see about the others family. The Good Being averted the battle which threatened to take place at Kansas City, and caused it to take place at another point, and the consequence is that instead of the citizens of [[MS. illegible]] being thrown into the deepest mourning, our acquaintances and friends in Shawnee County suffered as much as any one county in the great conflict.

I have not as yet received the full particulars but enough to convince me that it is dreadful. Not only was the Topeka battery taken, but a great many were either killed, wounded, and taken prisoners, or are missing. Among the killed I notice Lieut. Col. Greene (United brethren preacher on Wakarusa)[,] (Mac. Martin)[,]Dr. Martin’s brother)[,] (W.P. Roberts, Judge Roberts son at Big Springs[,] Mr[.] Eagle, tavern keeper at Big Springs, Sam Hanley of Topeka[,] John Ward (the Wards son above Topeka)[,] (U.C. Coville) living above Topeka[,] Henry Young, N. Brown, L. Crenn, M.D. Race, G. McKeown, Mr[.] Rake, Charles Budd, Mr[.] Chapman, Tanner, and two others unknown, reported up to Monday as killed wounded—I have concluded to cut out the piece and send you[.] please preserve it.

As to Bro. [[MS. illegible]] company I am almost afraid to hear the particulars. Those killed living at Big Springs must have been in his company. I saw Tyler a moment at Kansas City[.] he says they were right in the fight, and had plenty to do, says that he (Tyler) lost a horse.

I am anxious to learn the fate of Bro. [[MS. illegible]] , Taylor[,] Stevenson, [[MS. illegible]] Ward + all our old neighbors, also, to hear the fate of the many taken prisoners. It is most dreadful to think of. Had we been still residing at Topeka, I might have been in the thickest of the fight, and helped to do something for the salvation of my state, and the good of my country. It is said the Topeka boys fought like tigers. They held the advancing columns of Price’s advancing legions at bay for about an hour until they were surrounded and their battery taken. I have been away from home so much or I would go right down there and see and sympathize with my old neighbors. I am anxious to hear from Henry [[MS. illegible]]. I expect he was in the midst of the fight.

I learn this mail is about to start. I will write again soon as I get more particulars. I found two letters from you when I came home one written with a pencil from Hartford, the other after returning[,] was glad to hear. I think Missouri will be safe now. I may come for you directly after my Quarterly meeting, or preachers meeting starting about the 23 of Nov. if you deem best write and let me know. Buy just as little as you must at present prices. Everything is bound to change after the election .

Forever Yours, J[.]S[.] Griffing

[] My love to all, especially to my jewels, tell them Pa loves them, and wants to see them very much.

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