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1 to 20 of 41 Objects


From Unknown to Dear Brother
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg
Gettysburg Address
1860 Presidential Election Returns from Mercer County, Missouri
From W.W. Thayer to James Montgomery
Lincoln-Douglas Debates Commemorative Stamp
Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, 1862
Abraham Lincoln Raising a Flag at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, in Honor of the      Admission of Kansas to the Union on Washington's Birthday
1860 Presidential Election Returns from Caldwell, Carroll, Chariton, and Clay Counties, Missouri
From Sara Robinson to "My Dear Martha"
Excerpt from John Deering's Diary
Dividing the National Map
Abraham Lincoln
Second Inaugural Address
1860 Presidential Election Returns from Vernon County, Missouri
From Orville Chester Brown to Friend Pomroy
A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand
Abraham Lincoln, Candidate for U.S. President, Before Delivering His Cooper Union Address      in New York City
1860 Presidential Election Returns from Putnam County, Missouri
From Hamilton R. Gamble to Abraham Lincoln
