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New York Herald, April 15, 1865
Missouri State Militia List of Soldiers to Transferred
Missouri State Militia Notification of New Command
General Orders, No. 4
From Joseph W. McClurg to David D. Stockton
General Orders, No. 10
Statements of Clothing and Camp and Garrison Equipment Costs
Robert T. Van Horn
Missouri State Militia Special Order No. 30
From John A. Bushnell to Eugenia Bronaugh
From Eugenia Bronaugh to John A. Bushnell
Special Orders, No. 165
From John A. Bushnell to Eugenia Bronaugh
Invoice of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores for 1st Quarter 1863
Fort Union
Mileage Reimbursement Forms, Abstract of Articles Expended, Return of Quartermaster's Stores
From Eugenia Bronaugh to John A. Bushnell
List of Deceased Soldiers
Receipt of Clothing for Military Duty, 1864
Pacific House Hotel
