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1 to 14 of 14 Objects
The Union Volunteer
Dividing the National Map
Texas Ordinance of Secession
Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor: 12th & 13th of April, 1861
Abraham Lincoln, Candidate for U.S. President, Before Delivering His Cooper Union Address      in New York City
Missouri Tasting Secession Soup, and Gets Burnt! and Thinks She Won't Go In
Consolidated 6th and 7th Arkansas Regiments Battle Flag
Edward Fitch
Campaign Banner, Belfast, Maine, 1860
The First Battle of Bull Run, Va., Sunday Afternoon, July 21, 1861
Republican Banner for 1860
Battle of Boonville Political Cartoon
Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln Entering the Senate Chamber Before the      Inauguration
Abraham Lincoln-Hannibal Hamlin Campaign Button for 1860 Presidential Election