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41 to 60 of 316 Objects


From Leigh R. Webber to Mrs. Brown
Battle of Osawatomie
Affidavit of William C. Childers
Sworn Statement of George W. Harris
Unidentified Civil War Soldier or Guerrilla
Affidavit of Harvey G. Hicklin
From John W. Geary to F.J. Marshall
Unidentified Guerrilla
From Lucie Davis to John Pigg
From James Montgomery to Capt. Fail
From Abishai Stowell to "Dear Sister"
Sentinel Extra: Mass Meeting at Platte City
Frank Shepherd
From Noah Grant to Robert M. Stewart
Tender of Service of Martin White
From John Montgomery and C.H. Withington to John W. Geary
From Edward Fitch to Dear Parents
From R.R. Boone to Dear Father
From Alex M. Bedford to Mary E. Bedford
Letters and Telegrams Sent (Provost Marshal's Office, 6th District Missouri)
