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21 to 40 of 752 Objects


From A.W. Mitchell to J.T. Sweringen
Quarterly Return of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, 1865
Diary of A.H. Lewis
Memorandum of Losses to Federal Troops, 1861-1863
From John A. Bushnell to Eugenia Bronaugh
Soldier, Eleventh Kansas Volunteer Cavalry
From Charles W. Zuck to A. Comingo
Soldier, Eleventh Kansas Volunteer Cavalry
William Gordon and Robert Henderson
General Orders, No. 15
Applications of John Herndon
Missouri Militia Request for Recommendations for Enrolling Officers
From Abishai Stowell to Margaret Torrence
From James Beatty to William Fowler
List of Colored Recruits Enlisted, 6th District Missouri
Lt. William Bunkley and Sgt. Channing Bunkley
From John A. Bushnell to Eugenia Bronaugh
Proceedings of the Lafayette County Board
From A.J. Huntoon to My Beloved Wife and Boy
From James M. Boyer to A. Comingo
