Civil War

1 to 20 of 37 Objects


Election Results, 1860
Oath of Loyalty of Dennis Gaughan
Proceedings of the Lafayette County Board
Resolutions of the Kansas Territorial Legislative Assembly
From Willard P. Hall to Hamilton R. Gamble
Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, 1862
Resolutions Presented to the Missouri State Convention
An Act to Organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas
Kansas Territorial Records
From G.C. Bingham to Hamilton R. Gamble
Proclamation of Daniel Woodson
From Robert M. Stewart to J.W. Denver
From Samuel Medary to Robert M. Stewart
Oath of Loyalty of Philip W. Shambaugh
Kansas Executive Department Council Journal
Statement of Wilson Shannon
Oath of Loyalty of Stephen Blanchard
From Hamilton R. Gamble to Abraham Lincoln
From Hamilton R. Gamble to Abraham Lincoln
Act to Provide for Calling a State Convention, 1861
