Civil War

41 to 60 of 128 Objects


Battle of Chattanooga
John Brown
Dividing the National Map
Battle of Spotsylvania
Sterling Price
Emancipation Ordinance of Missouri
John Brown Fort, Shenandoah Street, Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, WV
Genl. Franklin Pierce: Fourteenth President of the United States
John C. Fremont
The Monitor and Merrimac
Hon. John Bullock Clark of MO (General in Confederate Army)
Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor: 12th & 13th of April, 1861
Little Blue River, Jackson County, MO
Charles Jennison's Jayhawkers
Washington, D.C. Mounted Officers and Unidentified Units Passing on Pennsylvania Avenue      Near the Treasury
Abraham Lincoln, Candidate for U.S. President, Before Delivering His Cooper Union Address      in New York City
Major-General Joseph Hooker
St. Joseph, Missouri
Kansas - Col. Sumner Arriving at Constitution Hall
Hon. George S. Boutwell of Mass.
