Civil War

1081 to 1100 of 1146 Objects


Three Dollar Bill
From William Augustus Hall to Oswald Swinney
From J.B. Henderson to R.T. Van Horn
Special Orders, No. 37
From John Brown to Orson Day
From Thomas Fletcher to R.T. Van Horn
Special Orders, No. 29 and 313
A Defence of Republicanism
From John Brown, Jr. to Orson Day
From the 25th Missouri Volunteers to R.T. Van Horn
From John Brown to Orson Day
From J.B. Henderson to R.T. Van Horn
From J.B. Henderson to R.T. Van Horn
Swinney Family Portrait
Certificate of Exemption of James O. Swinney
Platte River near Platte City, Platte County, Missouri
Invoices of Quartermaster's Stores in 1863
John C. Fremont
From Abishai Stowell to "Dear Sister"
Kansas Colored Volunteers Correspondence
