Civil War

821 to 840 of 1046 Objects


General Orders, No. 34
The Cradle of the G.O.P.
From F.L. Pilla to Dear Brother
From William H. Doah to Hon. James Edgar
Charles Bluejacket
Susan B. Anthony
Honorable Eli Thayer of Massachusetts
From D.M. Frost to Robert M. Stewart
From Unknown to H.J. Strickler
Hon. Salmon P. Chase
Examination of James M. Bowing
Examination of Fredrick Gwinner
Sale of Slave
From Edward Fitch to Those...Who So Generously Responded to the Appeal for Help
Examination of William Bryant
Examination of W.G. Searcy
Wyandotte Constitution
Examination of John R. Hall
St. Louis Riot
Examination of Anderson B. Everett
