This is a comprehensive list of all titles suggested in the essays and entries on this site. These items were used as source material and may offer further insight into the themes and topics explored here.
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- Adamson, Hans C. Rebellion in Missouri: 1861—Nathaniel Lyon and His Army of the West. Philadelphia: Chilton Co., 1961.
- Allardice, Bruce S. More Generals in Gray. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1995.
- Ambrose, Stephen E. Halleck: Lincoln's Chief of Staff. 1960. Reprint, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1996.
- Andrews, Horace, Jr. "Kansas Crusade: Eli Thayer and the New England Emigrant Aid Company," The New England Quarterly. Vol. 35, no. 4 (December, 1962): 497-514.
- Ash, Stephen V. When the Yankees Came: Conflict and Chaos in the Occupied South, 1861-1865. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1999.
- Astor, Aaron. Rebels on the Border: Civil War, Emancipation, and the Reconstruction of Kentucky and Missouri. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2012.
- Athearn, Robert G. In Search of Canaan: Black Migration to Kansas, 1879–1880. Lawrence, KS: Regents Press of Kansas, 1978.
- Auchampaugh, Philip Gerald. James Buchanan and His Cabinet: On the Eve of Secession. Boston: J.S. Canner & Co., 1965.
- Baker, James W. Thanksgiving: The Biography of an American Holiday. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire Press, 2009.
- Baltimore, Lester B. "Benjamin F. Stringfellow: The Fight for Slavery on the Missouri Border." Missouri Historical Review 62 (October 1967): 14-29.
- Barker, William I. "The Prelude to the Civil War, 1854–1860." Master's thesis, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1947.
- Benedict, Bryce. Jayhawkers: The Civil War Brigade of James Henry Lane. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2009.
- Berlin, Ira, et. al. Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Berlin, Ira, Joseph P. Reidy, and Leslie S. Rowland, eds. Freedom's Soldiers: The Black Military Experience in the Civil War. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
- Berlin, Ira and Leslie S. Rowland, Associate Editor, ed. Families and Freedom: A Documentary History of African-American Kinship in the Civil War Era. New York: New York Press, 1997.
- Blackmar, Frank W., ed. Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History, Embracing Events, Institutions, Industries, Counties, Cities, Towns, Prominent Persons, Etc; 3 Volumes; Chicago: Standard Publishing Co., 1912.
- Blackmar, Frank W. The Life of Charles Robinson: The First Governor of Kansas. Topeka: Crane & Co., 1902.
- Blackwell, Marilyn S. "The Politics of Motherhood: Clarina Howard Nichols and School Suffrage". The New England Quarterly, vol. 78, no. 4: (December 2005) 570-598.
- Blackwell, Marilyn S. and Kristen Tegtmeier Oertel. Frontier Feminist: Clarina Howard Nichols and the Politics of Motherhood. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2010.
- Blair, William Alan, ed. A Politician Goes to War: The Civil War Letters of John White Geary. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995.
- Blair, William J., ed. The Journal of the Civil War Era 3, no. 2. Chapel Hill: UNC Press Books, 2013.
- Blight, David W, ed. Passages to Freedom: The Underground Railroad in History and Memory. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Press, 2004.
- Blight, David W. Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 2001.
- Boman, Dennis K. Lincoln's Resolute Unionist: Hamilton Gamble, Dred Scott Dissenter and Missouri's Civil War Governor. Baton Rouge: Louisiana University Press, 2006.
- Boughton, Joseph S. The Lawrence Massacre by a Band of Missouri Ruffians Under Quantrell. Lawrence: J.S. Broughton Publisher, 1863.
- Brownlee, Richard S. "The Battle of Pilot Knob, Iron County Missouri, September 27, 1864." Missouri Historical Review. No. 59, Issue 1 (October, 1964): 1-30.
- Brownlee, Richard S. Gray Ghosts of the Confederacy: Guerrilla Warfare in the West 1861-1865. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1958.
- Bruce, Henry Clay. The New Man: Twenty-Nine Years a Slave. Twenty-Nine Years a Free Man. York, PA.: P. Anstadt & Sons, 1895.
- Bryant, Keith L. "George Caleb Bingham: The Artist as Whig Politician." Missouri Historical Review. July, 1965. Vol 59, No. 4, 448-463.
- Buresh, Lumir F. October 25th and the Battle of Mine Creek. Kansas City, MO: The Lowell Press, 1977.
- Butchart, Ronald E. Schooling the Freed People: Teaching, Learning, and the Struggle for Black Freedom, 1861-1876. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010.
- Castel, Albert E. Civil War Kansas: Reaping the Whirlwind. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1997.
- Castel, Albert E. A Frontier State at War: Kansas 1861-1865. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1958.
- Castel, Albert E. General Sterling Price and the Civil War in the West. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1968.
- Castel, Albert E. "Kansas Jayhawking Raids into Western Missouri in 1861." Missouri Historical Review 54, no. 1 (October 1959). Republished on the Civil War St. Louis website on November 15, 2003.
- Castel, Albert E. William Clarke Quantrill, His Life and Times. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999.
- Castel, Albert E. and Thomas Goodrich. Bloody Bill Anderson: The Short, Savage Life of a Civil War Guerrilla. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998.
- Chaffin, Tom. Pathfinder: John Charles Fremont and the Course of American Empire. New York: Hill and Wang, 2002.
- Chance, Joseph, ed. Mexico Under Fire: Being the Diary of Samuel Ryan Curtis 3rd Ohio Volunteer Regiment During the American Military Occupation of Northern Mexico 1846-1847. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 1994.
- Cheatham, Gary. "Desperate Characters: The Development and Impact of the Confederate Guerrillas in Kansas." Kansas History 14 (Autumn 1991): 144–162.
- Collins, Robert. General James G. Blunt: Tarnished Glory. Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican Publishing Company, 2005.
- Collins, Robert. Jim Lane: Scoundrel, Statesman, Kansan. New York: Pelican, 2007.
- Connelley, William E. The Life of Preston B. Plumb, 1837-1891. Chicago, IL: Browne and Howell Co., 1913.
- Connelley, William E. Quantrill and the Border Wars. Cedar Rapids, IA: The Torch Press, 1910.
- Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Vol. 1-5. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1918. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, 1998.
- Connelly, Donald B. John M. Schofield and the Politics of Generalship. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006.
- Cornish, Dudley Taylor. The Sable Arm: Black Troops in the Union Army, 1861-1865. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, reprint 1987. Originally published in 1956.
- Courtwright, Julie. "'A Goblin that Drives her Insane:' Sara Robinson and the History Wars of Kansas, 1894-1911." Kansas History 25 (Summer 2001): 102-123.
- Cox, Thomas. Blacks in Topeka, Kansas: 1865-1915, A Social History. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, 1982.
- Cutler, William G., A.T. Andreas, and Thelma Carpenter. History of the State of Kansas, containing a full account of its growth from an uninhabited territory to a wealthy and important State... Also, a supplementary history and description of its counties, cities, towns, and villages.... Chicago: A.T. Andreas, 1883.
- Cutts, J.T. Madison. "A Brief Treatise Upon Constitutional and Party Questions, and the History of Political Parties as I received it Orally from the Late Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois." North American Review. Vol. 103, No. 213. (Oct.,1866). 509-519.
- Dawson, Joseph G., III. Doniphan's Epic March: The 1st Missouri Volunteers in the Mexican War. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1999.
- Denton, Sally. Passion and Principle, John and Jessie Frémont, The Couple whose Power, Politics and Love Shaped Nineteenth-Century America. New York: Bloomsbury, 2007.
- Dirck, Brian R. "By the Hand of God: James Montgomery and Redemptive Violence," Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains 27 (Spring-Summer 2004): 100-15.
- Donald, David Hubert. Charles Sumner and the Coming Civil War. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1960.
- Donald, David Hubert. Charles Sumner and the Rights of Man. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970.
- Duncan, Russell, ed. Blue-Eyed Child of Fortune: The Letters of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1992.
- Earle, Jonathan. John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry: A Brief History With Documents. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's Press, 2008.
- Earle, Jonathan and Diane Mutti Burke, eds. Bleeding Kansas, Bleeding Missouri: The Long Civil War on the Border. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2013.
- Edwards, John N. Shelby and His Men; or, The War in the West. Cincinnati: Miami Printing and Publishing Co., 1867.
- Egerton, Douglas R. Year of Meteors: Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln and the Election that Brought on the Civil War. New York: Bloomsbury, 2010.
- Eickhoff, Diane. Revolutionary Heart: The Life of Clarina Nichols and the Pioneering Crusade for Women's Rights. Kansas City, Kansas: Quindaro Press, 2006.
- Eldridge, Shalor Winchell. Publications of the Kansas State Historical Society: Embracing Recollections of the Early Days in Kansas, Volume II. Topeka, KS: Kansas State Printing Plant, 1920.
- Engle, Stephen D. Yankee Dutchman: The Life of Franz Sigel. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1999.
- Epps, Kristen K. "Bound Together: Masters and Slaves on the Kansas-Missouri Border, 1825-1865." Dissertation: University of Kansas, 2010.
- Etcheson, Nicole. Bleeding Kansas: Contested Liberty in the Civil War Era. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2004.
- Fellman, Michael. Inside War: The Guerrilla Conflict in Missouri During the Civil War. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.
- Feild, Patrick. "Thrilling but Pointless: General "JO" Shelby's 1863 Cavalry Raid." Master of Military Arts Thesis, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2013.
- Finkelman, Paul. Dred Scott v. Sandford: A Brief History with Documents. Boston: Bedford Books, 1997.
- Foner, Eric. The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery. New York: W. W. Norton, 2010.
- Foner, Eric. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
- Gaeddert, Gustave Raymond. Birth of Kansas. Lawrence: Kansas State Historical Society, 1940. Also available electronically: Hathi Trust Digital Library.
- Geiger, Mark W. Financial Fraud and Guerrilla Violence in Missouri's Civil War, 1861–1865. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010.
- Gerteis, Louis. The Civil War in Missouri: A Military History. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2012.
- Gerteis, Louis S. Civil War St. Louis. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2004.
- Getz, Lynne Marie. "Partners in Motion: Gender, Migration, and Reform in Antebellum Ohio and Kansas." Frontiers. Vol. 27, No. 2 (2006): 102-135.
- Gihon, John H. Geary and Kansas: Governor Geary's Administration in Kansas: .... Philadelphia: C. C. Rhodes, 1857.
- Gillespie, Michael. The Civil War Battle of Lexington, Missouri: A Concise History of the Siege and Battle September 12-20, 1861 Based on Eyewitness Accounts, 2nd edition. Lone Jack: Michael Gillespie, 2007.
- Gilmore, Donald L. Civil War on the Missouri-Kansas Border. Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing Co., 2005.
- Gilpin, R. Blakeslee, ed. John Brown Still Lives!: America's Long Reckoning with Violence, Equality, & Change. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2011.
- Glatthaar, Joseph T. Forged in Battle: The Civil War Alliance of Black Soldiers and White Officers. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1990.
- Goodman, Thomas M. A Thrilling Record, Founded on Facts and Observations Obtained During Ten Days' Experience with Colonel William T. Anderson (the Notorious Guerrilla Chieftain) by Sergeant Thos. M. Goodman, the Only Survivor of the Inhuman Massacre at Centralia, Mo., September 27, 1864, and an Eyewitness of the Brutal and Barbarous Treatment by the Guerrillas of the Dead, Wounded, and Captured of Major Johnson's Command. Hawleyville, Iowa: Goodman, 1868.
- Goodrich, Thomas. Black Flag: Guerrilla Warfare on the Western Border, 1861-1865. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.
- Goodrich, Thomas. Bloody Dawn: The Story of the Lawrence Massacre. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1992.
- Goodrich, Thomas. War to the Knife: Bleeding Kansas, 1854-1861. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1998.
- Green, Michael S. Lincoln and the Election of 1860. Carbondale and Edwardsville, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2011.
- Greenbaum, Susan. The Afro-American Community in Kansas City, Kansas: A History. Kansas City, Kansas: City of Kansas City, Kansas, 1982.
- Greenwald, Emily, and Joshua Pollarine. Reclaimed from Obscurity, Preserved for Posterity: An Administrative History of Fort Scott National Historic Site, Fort Scott, Kansas. Omaha: National Park Service Midwest Regional Office, 2013.
- Harlow, Ralph Volney. "The Rise and Fall of the Kansas Aid Movement," The American Historical Review. vol. 41, no. 1 (October 1935): 1-25.
- Harris, William C. Lincoln and the Border States: Preserving the Union. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2011. Including quotes from Recollected words of Abraham Lincoln / compiled and edited by Don E. Fehrenbacher and Virginia Fehrenbacher Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1996.
- Hattaway, Herman and Archer Jones. How the North Won: A Military History of the Civil War. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983.
- Heller, Francis H. The Kansas State Constitution: A Reference Guide. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992.
- Hess, Earl J., Richard W. Hatcher III, William Garrett Piston and William L. Shea. Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge, & Prairie Grove: A Battlefield Guide with a Section on Wire Road. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2006.
- Hinze, David C. and Karen Farnham. The Battle of Carthage: Border War in Southwest Missouri, July 5, 1861. Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican Publishing Company, Inc., 2004.
- Holder, Daniel J., and Hal K. Rothman. The Post on the Marmaton: A Historic Resource Study of Fort Scott National Historic Site. Omaha: National Park Service Midwest Regional Office, 2001.
- Horwitz, Tony. Midnight Rising: John Brown and the Raid That Sparked the Civil War. New York: Holt, 2011.
- Howes, Cecil. "Pistol Packin' Pencil Pushers." Kansas Historical Quarterly 12, no. 2 (May 1944): 116-138.
- Hughes, J. Patrick. Fort Leavenworth: Gateway to the West. Topeka, Kansas: Kansas State Historical Society, 2000.
- Hulbert, Matthew. "Constructing Guerrilla Memory: John Newman Edwards and Missouri's Irregular Lost Cause," The Journal of the Civil War Era. March 2012.
- Humez, Jean M. Harriet Tubman: The Life and the Life Stories. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003.
- Hunt, Elvid. History of Fort Leavenworth 1827-1937. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: The Command and General Staff School Press, 1937.
- Johannsen, Robert Walter. Stephen A. Douglas. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973.
- Johnson, Samuel A. "The Genesis of the New England Emigrant Aid Company," The New England Quarterly. Vol. 3, no. 1 (January 1930): 95-122.
- The Kansas City Star. "Civil War! Inside the Conflict that Forever Divided Kansas and Missouri." 2011.
- Kansas Historical Society. "Clarina Nichols: Reformer, Journalist." April 2010, modified February 2013.
- Kansas Historical Society. "George Washington Brown." January 2010, modified March 2013.
- Kansas Historical Society. "Julia Hardy Lovejoy's Diary."
- Kansas Historical Society. "Julia Louisa Lovejoy."
- Kansas Historical Society. "Letters by Julia Lovejoy." Kansas Historical Quarterly. Published in a series:
- "Letters from Kanzas," vol. 11, no. 1 (February 1942): 29-44;
- "Letters of Julia Louisa Lovejoy, 1856-1864: Part One, 1856," vol. 15, no. 2 (May 1947): 127-142;
- "Letters of Julia Louisa Lovejoy, 1856-1864: Part Two, 1857," vol. 15, no. 3 (August 1947): 277-319;
- "Letters of Julia Louisa Lovejoy, 1856-1864: Part Three, 1858," vol. 15, no. 4 (November 1947): 368-403;
- "Letters of Julia Louisa Lovejoy, 1856-1864: Part Four, 1859," vol. 16, no. 1 (February 1948): 40-75.
- Kansas Historical Society. "Moneka Woman's Rights Association." January 2010, modified March 2013.
- Kansas Historical Society. "Samuel Lyle Adair and Florella Brown Adair Family Collection, 1831-1921." Microfilm rolls MS 1230-1237. Manuscript Collection No. 161.
- Kansas Humanities Council. Shared Stories of the Civil War Readers Theater Project: "Quantrill's Raid and Order Number 11." citations and script.
- Kirkman, Paul. The Battle of Westport: Missouri's Great Confederate Raid. Charleston, South Carolina: History Press, 2011.
- Kluger, Richard. Simple Justice. New York: Random House, Inc., 1975.
- Konig, David Thomas, Paul Finkelman, and Christopher Alan Bracey. The Dred Scott Case: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Race and Law. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2010.
- Lause, Mark. The Collapse of Price's Raid: The Beginning of the End in Civil War Missouri. Columbia: The University of Missouri Press, 2016.
- Lause, Mark A. Price's Lost Campaign: The 1864 Invasion of Missouri. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2011.
- Lecompte, Samuel D. "A Defense By Samuel D. Lecompte," Transactions of the Kansas State Historical Society, Vol. 8. Topeka, Kansas: Kansas State Historical Society, 1904, pp. 389-405.
- Lee, Fred L. Gettysburg of the West: The Battle of Westport, October 21-23, 1864. Independence, Missouri: Two Trails Publishing, 1996, revised edition. Originally published in 1976.
- Leslie, Edward E. The Devil Knows How to Ride: The True Story of William Clarke Quantrill and His Confederate Raiders. New York: Random House, 1996.
- Library of Congress, Manuscript Division. Thomas Ewing Family Papers. Washington, D.C.
- Litteer, Loren K. The Life and Times of John Brown: Including the Pottawatomie Massacre, Battle of Black Jack, Battle at Osawatomie, and Raid on Harper's Ferry; Through Personal Tragedy, Business Failures, and Border Wars to Heroism and Martyrdom! Baldwin City, Kansas: Champion Publishing, 1986.
- Longacre, Edward G. "Alfred Pleasonton: 'The Knight of Romance.'" Civil War Times Illustrated. Vol. 13, no. 8 (December 1974): 12-23.
- Luthin, Reinhard H. The First Lincoln Campaign. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1944.
- Marszalek, John F. Commander of All Lincoln's Armies: A Life of General Henry W. Halleck. Boston: Harvard University Press, 2004.
- McCaul, Edward B. To Retain Command of the Mississippi: The Civil War Naval Campaign for Memphis. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 2014.
- McCorkle, John. Three Years with Quantrill: A True Story. Norman, OK: University Press of Oklahoma, 1914.
- McCullough, David. The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011.
- McLachlan, Sean. Ride Around Missouri: Shelby's Great Raid 1863. Oxford, United Kingdom: Osprey Publishing, Ltd., 2011.
- McPherson, James. Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
- Maltz, Earl M., ed. Dred Scott and the Politics of Slavery. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2007.
- Miller, Patricia Cleary. Westport, Missouri's Port of Many Returns. Kansas City, MO: Lowell Press, 1983.
- Mitgang, Herbert. The Fiery Trial: A Life of Lincoln. New York: Viking Press, 1974.
- Monaghan, Jay. Civil War on the Western Border, 1854-1865. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955.
- Monks, William. A History of Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas; being an Account of the Early Settlements, the Civil War, the Ku-Klux and Times of Peace. John F. Bradbury Jr. and Lou Wehmer, eds. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2003.
- Monnett, Howard N. Action Before Westport 1864. Boulder, Colorado: University Press of Colorado, 1995, revised edition. Originally published in 1964.
- Montgomery, Rick and Shirl Kasper. Kansas City: An American Story. Kansas City, MO: Kansas City Star Books, 1999.
- Moore, John Bassett, ed. The Works of James Buchanan, Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence. 12 vols. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1908-11.
- Morgan, Edmund S. Inventing the People: The Rise of Popular sovereignty in England and America. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1989.
- Morris, Roy., Jr. The Long Pursuit: Abraham Lincoln's Thirty-Year Struggle with Stephen Douglas for the Heart and Soul of America. New York: HarperCollins, 2008.
- Mueller, Doris L. M. Jeff Thompson: Missouri's Swamp Fox of the Confederacy. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2007.
- Mullis, Tony R. Peacekeeping on the Plains: Army Operations in Bleeding Kansas. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2004.
- Murray, Orrin McKinley, Sr. The Rise and Fall of Western University. Kansas City, Kansas: self published, 1960.
- Mutti Burke, Diane. On Slavery's Border: Missouri's Small-Slaveholding Households, 1815-1865. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2010.
- Nagel, Paul C. George Caleb Bingham: Missouri's Famed Painter and Forgotten Politician. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2005.
- Neely, Jeremy. The Border Between Them: Violence and Reconciliation on the Kansas-Missouri Line. Columbia London: University of Missouri Press, 2007.
- Neely, Mark E., Jr. The Fate of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
- Nevins, Allan. The Emergence of Lincoln. 2 Vols. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950.
- Nichols, Alice. Bleeding Kansas. New York: Oxford University Press, 1954.
- Nichols, Bruce. Guerrilla Warfare in Civil War Missouri Volume II. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. Publishers Inc., 2012.
- Nichols, Clarina Howard. "The Responsibilities of Woman." The Woman's Rights Convention. Worcester, Massachusetts. October 15, 1851.
- O'Flaherty, Daniel. General Jo Shelby: Undefeated Rebel. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1954.
- Oates, Stephen. Confederate Cavalry West of the River. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1961.
- Oates, Stephen. To Purge This Land with Blood. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1970.
- Oertel, Kristen Tegtmeier. Bleeding Borders: Race, Gender, and Violence in Pre–Civil War Kansas. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2009.
- Oliva, Leo E. Fort Scott: Courage and Conflict on the Border. Topeka: Kansas State Historical Society, 1984, rev. ed. 1996.
- Painter, Nell Irvin. Exodusters: Black Migration to Kansas After Reconstruction. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1976.
- Parrish, William E. David Rice Atchison of Missouri: Border Politician. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 1961.
- Parrish, William E. A History of Missouri, Vol. 3, 1860-1875. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2001.
- Parrish, William E. Turbulent Partnership: Missouri and the Union, 1861-1865. Columbia: The University of Missouri Press, 1963.
- Patrick, Jeff. "The Battle of Lexington," North & South Magazine, vol. 1, no. 3 (February 1998), 52-67.
- Patrick, Jeffrey L. Campaign for Wilson's Creek: The Fight for Missouri Begins. Buffalo Gap, TX: McWhiney Foundation Press, 2011.
- Petersen, Paul R. Quantrill at Lawrence: The Untold Story. Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing Co., 2011.
- Peterson, Merrill D. John Brown: The Legend Revisited. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2002.
- Petruzzi, J. David. "The Fleeting Fame of Alfred Pleasonton." America's Civil War. Vol. 18, no. 1 (March 2005): 22-28.
- Phillips, Christopher. Damned Yankee: The Life of General Nathaniel Lyon. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1996.
- Phillips, Christopher. The Making of a Southerner: William Barclay Napton's Private Civil War. Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press, 2008.
- Phillips, Christopher. Missouri's Confederate: Claiborne Fox Jackson and the Creation of Southern Identity in the Border West. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2000.
- Pierson, Michael D., ed. "'A War of Extermination:' A Newly Uncovered Letter by Julia Louisa Lovejoy, 1856." Kansas History 16, no. 2 (Summer 1993): 120-123.
- Piston, William Garrett and Richard W. Hatcher III. Wilson's Creek: The Second Battle of the Civil War and the Men Who Fought It. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2000.
- Pollard, William C., Jr. "Kansas Forts During the Civil War." Paper Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Mid-America Conference on History at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, September 1992.
- Potter, David. The Impending Crisis, 1848-1861. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.
- Pride, Woodbury Freeman. The History of Fort Riley. Fort Riley, Kansas: Cavalry School, Book Dept., 1926.
- Rash, Nancy. The Paintings and Politics of George Caleb Bingham. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991.
- Rawick, George, ed. The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography. Series. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1977– 1979.
- Rawley, James A. Race & Politics: "Bleeding Kansas" and the Coming of the Civil War. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1969.
- Reynolds, David S. John Brown, Abolitionist: The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War, and Seeded Civil Rights. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005.
- Richards, Ralph. The Forts of Fort Scott and The Fateful Borderland. Kansas City, Missouri: The Lowell Press, 1976.
- Robertson, Stacey M. Hearts Beating for Liberty: Women Abolitionists in the Old Northwest. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010.
- Robinson, Charles. The Kansas Conflict. New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square, 1892.
- Robinson, Sara T.D. Kansas, Its Interior and Exterior Life: Including a Full View of its Settlement, Political History, Social Life, Climate, Soil, Productions, Scenery, Etc. Boston: Crosby, Nichols and Company, 1856.
- Robinson, Sara T.D. "Personal Recollections of Mrs. Sara T.D. Robinson of the Quantrell Raid of August 21, 1863." Special Collections, University of Missouri-Kansas City.
- Roe, Jason. "Exodusters Mark the Spot." This Week in Kansas City History. Kansas City Public Library.
- Rolle, Andrew F. John Charles Frémont: Character as Destiny. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.
- Rorvig, Paul. "The Significant Skirmish: The Battle of Boonville, June 17, 1861," Missouri Historical Review, volume 86, number 2 (January 1992), 127-148.
- Schofield, John M. Forty-Six Years in the Army. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998, repr.
- Schultz, Duane. Quantrill's War: The Life and Times of William Clarke Quantrill, 1837-1865. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.
- SenGupta, Gunja. For God and Mammon: Evangelicals and Entrepreneurs, Masters and Slaves in Territorial Kansas, 1854-1860. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1996.
- Shalhope, Robert E. Sterling Price, Portrait of a Southerner. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1971.
- Shea, William L. Fields of Blood: The Prairie Grove Campaign. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2009.
- Shea, William L. and Earl J. Hess. Pea Ridge: Civil War Campaign in the West. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1992.
- Sheridan, Richard B., ed. Freedom's Crucible: The Underground Railroad in Lawrence and Douglas County, Kansas, 1854-1865: A Reader. Lawrence: Division of Continuing Education, The University of Kansas.
- Sinisi, Kyle S. The Last Hurrah: Sterling Price's Missouri Expedition of 1864. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.
- Smith, Ronald D. Thomas Ewing, Jr.: Frontier Lawyer and Civil War General. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1947.
- Socolofsky, Homer E. Kansas Governors. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1990.
- Spurgeon, Ian Michael. Man of Douglas, Man of Lincoln: The Political Odyssey of James Henry Lane. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2008.
- Stalnaker, Jeffrey D. The Battle of Mine Creek: The Crushing End of the Missouri Campaign. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2011.
- Stampp, Kenneth M. America in 1857: A Nation on the Brink. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.
- Starr, Stephen Z. Jennison's Jayhawkers: A Civil War Cavalry Regiment and Its Commander. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1973.
- Starr, Stephen Z. The Union Cavalry in the Civil War. 3 vols. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1979-1985.
- Stiles, T.J. Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2002.
- Styple, William B. Generals in Bronze: Interviewing the Commanders of the Civil War. Kearny, NJ: Belle Grove Publishing Co., 2005.
- Sutherland, Daniel E. A Savage Conflict: The Decisive Roles of Guerrillas in the American Civil War. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009.
- Tabor, Chris. The Skirmish at Island Mound, Mo.: The First Battle Fought by an African-American Regiment During the Civil War.Independence, MO: Blue and Grey Book Shoppe, 2001.
- Tate, Michael L. The Frontier Army in the Settlement of the West. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999.
- Territorial Kansas Online, 1854-1861: A Virtual Repository for Territorial Kansas History. "H. Miles Moore, 1826-1909." Biographical sketch. Last modified September 12, 2013.
- Thayer, Eli. A History of the Kansas Crusade: Its Friends and Its Foes. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1889.
- Trimpi, Helen P. "A 'Gallant and Prudent Commander': Major General John S. Marmaduke." Confederate Generals in the Trans-Mississippi, vol. 1, edited by Lawrence Lee Hewitt, Arthur W. Bergeron, Jr., and Thomas E. Schott, 135-166. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2013.
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