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41 to 60 of 252 Objects


Certificate of Property Last Pertaining to Co. "F" 8th Cavalry Regiment Missouri State Militia
Unidentified Civil War Soldier or Guerrilla
Receipt of Clothing for Military Duty, 1862
Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, 1862
Unidentified Guerrilla
Quarterly Return of Quartermaster's Stores, 1863
Advertisement for Slave Auction
Special Orders, No. 81
General Orders, No. 38
From John A. Bushnell to Eugenia Bronaugh
Frank Shepherd
Col. William D. Wood's Missouri State Militia 8th Cavalry Regiment Certificate of Mustering In
Invoices of Quartermaster's Stores
Inventory and Inspection Report of Unserviceable Ordnance Stores
Archibald Clements (Arch or Little Archie)
Harrison Trow
From John A. Bushnell to Eugenia Bronaugh
Joseph (Joe) C. Lea
Unidentified Man in Uniform
Invoice of Ordnance for August 20th 1862
