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1 to 20 of 21 Objects


Warrant for the Arrest of Gen. John Reid
From George Lewis to Mrs. Fitch
From Elizabeth S.C. Earl to Dear Brother
From R.G. Elliott to Dear Sister
Battle of Osawatomie
From Elizabeth S.C. Earl to Dear Mother
Sarah and Julia Fitch
Kansas Territorial Records
From Edward Fitch to Dear Parents
Quantrill’s Raid on Lawrence
From James Griffing to Unknown
From George E. Young to My Dear Father
Diary Entries
The Kansas War & Other Matters
From Josiah Miller to Dear Father and Mother
From Daniel R. Anthony to Father
From F.L. Pilla to Dear Brother
From Edward Fitch to Those...Who So Generously Responded to the Appeal for Help
From Edward Fitch to Mr. Editor
From James Henry Lane to R.M. Ainsworth
